Leading Visionaries of Philly

Leading Visionaries of Philly

February 19, 2025
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Although often relegated as a historical site with monuments remembering the beginnings of America, Philadelphia has slowly been reemerging as an upstart art scene. After the pandemic, artists in the city have become more ambitious and collaborative, boosting the vitality of this local art scene. 

History of Art in Philadelphia

Philadelphia is the city where many important events in America during the Revolutionary War. However, creative forces dominate the city, collecting in South Street and the Museum Mile. The city hosts some incredibly famous art pieces, such as Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture, and also is lined with walls of murals, helping retell the stories of Philadelphia. Among these murals are creations of WXLLSPACE artists. 

Here are four WXLLSPACE artists in Philadelphia who show the true range and artistry of the historical city.

Andrea Grasso

Andrea Grasso is determined to bring color to the public, combating the ennui of gray and drab urban spaces. He hopes to bring contemporary art to a wider audience, challenging our norms about traditional city surroundings. To do so, he brings abstract lines and shapes to urban landscapes – intricate works that navigate vibrantly through space. 

Learn more: https://explore.wxllspace.com/artist/andrea-grasso 

Kyle Confehr 

Ambidextrous artist and designer Kyle Confehr blends styles of graffiti and cartoons. He highlights nostalgia, humor, and his personal experience in intricate, ornate pieces. His work can be found in different places around Philadelphia – from the Philadelphia International Airport to The Filmore. 

Learn more: https://explore.wxllspace.com/artist/kyle-confehr 

Sean Martorana

Deconstructing flora, fauna, and other nature elements, Sean Martorana reimagines wildlife as bold conceptual pieces. His bold designs can be seen in textiles, posters, and restaurants. With his iconic style, Martorana invokes the intense energy and emotion that lies beneath the surface of everything. 

Learn more: https://explore.wxllspace.com/artist/sean-martorana 

Marigold Murals

Nila and Kate of Marigold Murals are West-Philadelphia-based artists focused on investing thoughtfully in their community. They paint vibrantly-colored designs and murals that are warm and adorn the home and community spaces. Their work brings together the surreal and real lives of families, focusing on visual themes such as nature, social gatherings, and otherworldly creatures. 


Philadelphia’s art scene is a vibrant tapestry that continues to be vitalized. These WXLLSPACE artists, from Andrea Grasso to Marigold Murals, help weave this tapestry with their creativity and dedication to their communities, adding a modern contemporary hub to Philadelphia’s long and storied history.

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